Python ORM 框架:quick_orm

jopen 11年前

quick_orm 是一个 Python 的 ORM 框架. 安装和使用超级简单, 可以一分钟上手! 基于SQLAlchemy构建, 在功能上是SQLAlchemy的超集. quick_orm 最大的特点是以非常简单易学易用的形式提供了完备强大的功能.


  • quick: you could get and play with it in less than a minute. It couldn't be more straightforward.
  • easy: you don't have to write any SQL statements, including those "create table xxx ..." ones.
  • simple: the core code counts only 217 lines including comments and pydocs, there is no room for bugs.
  • free: released under BSD license, you are free to use it and distribute it.
  • powerful: built upon SQLAlchemy and doesn't compromise its power.
  • support relationships by means of python decorators.
  • support table inheritance in a most natural way.
  • support multiple databases: you can map your models to many databases without difficulty.
  • write less, do more: taking advantage of python metaclass reduces data modeling code dramatically.
  • long-term maintained: Continous efforts are taken to improve and maintain it.
