
jopen 11年前

Memcontinuationed是一个Memcached的Scala客户端。Memcontinuationed是JVM上最快的memcached客户端,比spymemcached 更快。


import com.dongxiguo.memcontinuationed.Memcontinuationed  import com.dongxiguo.memcontinuationed.StorageAccessor  import  import  import java.nio.channels.AsynchronousChannelGroup  import java.util.concurrent.Executors  import scala.util.continuations.reset  import scala.util.control.Exception.Catcher    object Sample {      def main(args: Array[String]) {      val threadPool = Executors.newCachedThreadPool()      val channelGroup = AsynchronousChannelGroup.withThreadPool(threadPool)        // The locator decide where the memcached server is.      // You may want to implement ketama hashing here.      def locator(accessor: StorageAccessor[_]) = {        new InetSocketAddress("localhost", 1978)      }        val memcontinuationed = new Memcontinuationed(channelGroup, locator)        // The error handler      implicit def catcher:Catcher[Unit] = {        case e: Exception =>          scala.Console.err.print(e)          sys.exit(-1)      }        reset {        memcontinuationed.set(MyKey("hello"), "Hello, World!")        val result = memcontinuationed.require(MyKey("hello"))        assert(result == "Hello, World!")        println(result)        sys.exit()      }    }  }    /**   * `MyKey` specifies how to serialize the data of key/value pair.   */  case class MyKey(override val key: String) extends StorageAccessor[String] {      override def encode(output: OutputStream, data: String, flags: Int) {      output.write(data.getBytes("UTF-8"))    }      override def decode(input: InputStream, flags: Int): String = {      val result = new Array[Byte](input.available)      new String(result, "UTF-8")    }  }
