TeX 编辑器:TeXworks

jopen 11年前

TeXworks 是 XeTeX 作者 Jonathan Kew 开发的一款 TeX 编辑器,适用于 TeX、LaTeX、ConTeXt 排版,其特点是界面 简洁友好,集成了轻便的 PDF 阅读器,并且可跨操作系统 (Unix-like、Windows) 运行。使使用者没有排版和程序设计的知 识也可以充分发挥由TeX所提供的强大功能,能在几天,甚至几小时内生成很多具有书籍质量的印刷品。

TeX 编辑器:TeXworks
TeXworks on GNU/Linux (Ubuntu)
TeX 编辑器:TeXworks
TeXworks on Windows 7
TeX 编辑器:TeXworks
TeXworks on Mac OS X
  • Scripting
    • QtScript, Lua and Python languages are supported
    • use scripts to add new features (trough standalone scripts) or extend existing functionality (through hook scripts)
    • assign custom shortcuts for quick access
    • customizable access to other files and programs on your computer
    • use some of the bundled scripts to, e.g., set the spellchecker language based on babel options or turn the lengthy console output into a concise list of TeX errors and warnings
  • New features
    • use “Follow focus” to keep the source and preview in sync all the time
    • window positions and sizes are saved for recent documents
    • a command line parser allows for greater interoperability with other programs
    • resources (templates, scripts, ...) are updated automatically when upgrading to a post-0.4 version
    • use one of numerous file encodings and line ending conventions to increase interoperability between different systems
    • “Save all” open documents using this single menu item
    • auto-completion for the beamer class
  • Major improvements & bug fixes
    • support background color/font flags in syntax highlighting
    • show the spellchecker languages in human-readable form; no more ISO language codes, no more multiple entries for the same language on *nix platforms
    • preserve document view when reloading after external changes
    • switched to pdfLaTeX as the default engine on fresh installation
    • allow “smart quotes” to be applied to a selection
    • allow Esc and Return in the tags and search result windows
    • made the “Highlight current line” color palette-aware to accommodate dark themes and improve accessibility
    • improve "Remove Auxiliary Files" dialog
    • fix handling of external file links in PDFs
    • Fix handling of “All Files” in the “Save As” dialog on MS Windows
