Java 应用框架 - RRiBbit

fmms 12年前

RRiBbit 是一个开源的 Java 应用框架,用于消除依赖简化代码结构。

  • RRiBbit eclipse plugin: This plugin will make the "call hierarchy" of RRiBbit calls visible, telling you which listeners get called at a certain request.
  • Remoting: This will make it possible to call listeners that run on other machines! Different protocols will be supported, among which are RMI and JMS. RRiBbit RMI Remoting will provide an extremely simple way of communicating with another server, saving you from having to use cumbersome text-based methods such as SOAP or JSON.
  • Forum: A forum will also be launched in time. Meanwhile, you can send your support questions or suggestions to: info [at] rribbit [dot] org. We are really curious to hear from you and will do our very best to help you with your issues.
Java 应用框架 - RRiBbit
