CMS Made Simple(简称CMSMS)
CMS Made Simple(简称CMSMS) 是一款轻量级的内容管理系统,旨在为静态内容为主的小型门户网站提供最简单最轻松的架站体验。
CMSMS 以不限深度的树型结构来组织内容,符合大部分场合的信息结构。这些内容通常是相对静态的,其内容、结构和访问方式不随着时间的推移而改变。相比于早期的 HTML 静态页面组织方式,采用CMS系统可以把它们方便组织起来,便于维护。而且采用 CMS 可以将内容和表现分离,便于更新界面。CMSMS 还大量采用了缓冲机制,使得管理静态内容更加高效。CMSMS 的结构非常清晰,使用扩展模块或者模版主题等非常方便。同时,它的 news 模块可以用来组织新闻等基于时间排序的信息,支持分类。
Content Management System Features
- SEO Friendly URLs
- Integrated and online help
- Modular and extensible
- Easy user and group management
- Group-based permission system
- Full template support, for unlimited looks without changing a line of content
- Easy wizard based install and upgrade procedures
- Minimal server requirements
- Admin panel with multiple language support
- Content hierarchy with unlimited depth and size
- Integrated file manager w/ upload capabilities
- Integrated audit log
- Friendly support in forums and irc
- Small footprint
Design Features
- Accessibility WAI, WCGA, Section 508
- XHTML and CSS compliant
- Auto-generated menu
- Every page can have different theme
- Design protected from content editors
- Multiple content areas on one page
Via Extra Modules
- Search
- Polls
- Picture Album
- News
- Blog
- Newsletter
- CGCalendar
- File Uploading
- Glossary
- Forms
- User Management
- Guestbook
- Google Sitemap
- You can find all available add-ons on the forge
For Programmers
- GPL'd source code
- Rich module API for unlimited expandability
- Full API documentation
- Events system
- Ability to program simple PHP coded plugins right inside the admin
- Smarty for templates
- Database abstraction using ADODB Lite (optionally ADODB)
- Intelligent caching mechanism to only get what is necessary from the database