编辑properties资源文件的Eclipse插件 - JInto

openkk 12年前

JInto 是一个 Eclipse 平台用来编辑 properties 资源文件的插件。类似的插件还有 Properties Editor

  • Parallel editing of all language versions (side by side)
  • Code Assist (AutoCompletion for keys and QuickAssist for adding new keys on the fly)
  • Warnings, when no text has been provided for a specific key
  • Warnings, when the text for one key is identical for different languages
  • Warnings, when the text for all languages of two different keys is identical
  • Locate unused strings
  • Locate strings that are referenced, but not actually defined in the resource bundle
  • Locate references of a specific key
  • Search function for the resource bundle
  • Simple adding of new languages to a resource bundle

编辑资源的Eclipse插件 JInto
