
openkk 12年前


    一般传统的网页,web服务器直接返回Html,这类网页很好抓,不管是用何种方式,只要得到html页面,然后做Dom解析就可以了。但对于需要Javascript生成的网页,就不那么容易了。张瑜 目前也没有找到好办法解决此问题。各位有抓javascript网页经验的朋友,欢迎指点。

    所以今天要谈的还是传统html网页的信息抓取。虽然前面说了,没有技术难度,但是是否能有相对更容易的方法呢? 用过jQuery等js框架的朋友,可能都会觉得javascript貌似抓取网页信息的天然助手,而且其出生就是为了网页解析而存在的。当然现在有更多的应用了,如Server端的javascript应用,NodeJs.

    如果能在我们的应用程序,如java程序中,能使用jQuery去抓网页,绝对是件激动人心的事情 。确实有现成的解决方案,一个Javascript引擎,一个能支撑jQuery运行的环境就可以了。

    工具 : java, Rhino, envJs. 其中 Rhino是Mozzila提供的开源Javascript引擎,envJs是一个模拟浏览器额环境,如Window等。 代码如下,

package stony.zhang.scrape;      import java.io.FileNotFoundException;  import java.io.FileReader;  import java.io.IOException;  import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;    import org.mozilla.javascript.Context;  import org.mozilla.javascript.ContextFactory;  import org.mozilla.javascript.Scriptable;  import org.mozilla.javascript.ScriptableObject;    /**   * @author MyBeautiful   * @Emal: zhangyu0182@sina.com   * @date Mar 7, 2012   */  public class RhinoScaper {   private String url;   private String jsFile;     private Context cx;   private Scriptable scope;     public String getUrl() {    return url;   }     public String getJsFile() {    return jsFile;   }     public void setUrl(String url) {    this.url = url;    putObject("url", url);   }     public void setJsFile(String jsFile) {    this.jsFile = jsFile;   }     public void init() {    cx = ContextFactory.getGlobal().enterContext();    scope = cx.initStandardObjects(null);    cx.setOptimizationLevel(-1);    cx.setLanguageVersion(Context.VERSION_1_5);      String[] file = { "./lib/env.rhino.1.2.js", "./lib/jquery.js" };    for (String f : file) {     evaluateJs(f);    }        try {     ScriptableObject.defineClass(scope, ExtendUtil.class);    } catch (IllegalAccessException e1) {     e1.printStackTrace();    } catch (InstantiationException e1) {     e1.printStackTrace();    } catch (InvocationTargetException e1) {     e1.printStackTrace();    }    ExtendUtil util = (ExtendUtil) cx.newObject(scope, "util");    scope.put("util", scope, util);   }     protected void evaluateJs(String f) {    try {     FileReader in = null;     in = new FileReader(f);     cx.evaluateReader(scope, in, f, 1, null);    } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) {     e1.printStackTrace();    } catch (IOException e1) {     e1.printStackTrace();    }   }     public void putObject(String name, Object o) {    scope.put(name, scope, o);   }     public void run() {    evaluateJs(this.jsFile);   }  }
package stony.zhang.scrape;    import java.util.HashMap;  import java.util.Map;    import junit.framework.TestCase;    public class RhinoScaperTest extends TestCase {     public RhinoScaperTest(String name) {    super(name);   }     public void testRun() {    RhinoScaper rs = new RhinoScaper();    rs.init();    rs.setUrl("http://www.baidu.com");    rs.setJsFile("test.js");  //  Map<String, String> o = new HashMap<String, String>();  //  rs.putObject("result", o);    rs.run();  //  System.out.println(o.get("imgurl"));   }    }
$.ajax({    url: "http://www.baidu.com",    context: document.body,    success: function(data){   //   util.log(data);            var result =parseHtml(data);            var $v= jQuery(result);   //   util.log(result);      $v.find('#u a').each(function(index) {           util.log(index + ': ' + $(this).attr("href"));    //        arr.add($(this).attr("href"));      });    }  });       function parseHtml(html) {         //Create an iFrame object that will be used to render the HTML in order to get the DOM objects          //created - this is a far quicker way of achieving the HTML to DOM conversion than trying          //to transform the HTML objects one-by-one           var oIframe = document.createElement('iframe');       //Hide the iFrame from view           oIframe.style.display = 'none';           if (document.body)              document.body.appendChild(oIframe);          else              document.documentElement.appendChild(oIframe);                    //Open the iFrame DOM object and write in our HTML          oIframe.contentDocument.open();          oIframe.contentDocument.write(html);          oIframe.contentDocument.close();                //Return the document body object containing the HTML that was just          //added to the iFrame as DOM objects          var oBody = oIframe.contentDocument.body;                //TODO: Remove the iFrame object created to cleanup the DOM                return oBody;      }
我们执行Unit Test,将会在控制台打印从网页上抓取的三个baidu的连接,

0: http://www.baidu.com/gaoji/preferences.html
1: http://passport.baidu.com/?login&tpl=mn
2: https://passport.baidu.com/?reg&tpl=mn





张瑜,Mybeautiful , zhangyu0182@sina.com