Struts开发辅助工具 - StrutsIDE

fmms 12年前

Struts开发辅助工具。提供struts-config.xml的图形编辑界面;提供Action, ActionForm, JSP等的创建向导。

StrutsIDE 支持Struts 1.2,并提供以下特性:

  • Add Struts supports to existing Java project.
  • Visual editing of struts-config.xml
  • Validate struts-config.xml (It's based on DTD, and also checks that JSPs and classes exist)
  • Wizards for creating Action, ActionForm, JSP files
  • Preview of JSP files that includes Struts taglibs
  • Add taglib to JSP using EclipseHTMLEditor's tag palette
  • Code completion and validation for taglibs (It's a function of EclipseHTMLEditor)

