Java的REST框架 SerfJ

fmms 12年前
     SerfJ 是一个最简单的框架用来开发Java的REST的Web应用。可帮助你开发优雅的MVC架构的应用,使用惯例重于配置的思路,无需配置文件和注解。    <br />    <pre class="brush:java; toolbar: true; auto-links: false;">public class Bank extends RestController {     @GET     public void index() {         // By default, this action redirects to index.jsp (or index.html or index.htm)     }       @GET     public void show() {         // Gets ID from URL /banks/1         String id = this.getId("bank");                               // By default, this action redirects to show.jsp (or show.html or show.htm)     }       @GET     public void newResource() {         // By default, this action redirects to new.jsp (or new.html or new.htm)     }       @GET     public void edit() {         // By default, this action redirects to edit.jsp (or edit.html or edit.htm)     }       @POST     public void create() {         // By default, this action redirects to create.jsp (or create.html or create.htm)     }       @PUT     public void update() {         // Gets bank's ID         String id = this.getId("bank");           // ... or another way to get the main Id         String bankId = this.getId();           Bank bank = // Code that gets the bank object                 // Gets new name for the bank         String name = this.getStringParam("name");                  // Updating the bank         // ... Code that updates the bank's information           // By default, this action redirects to update.jsp (or update.html or update.htm)     }       @DELETE     public void delete() {         // By default, this action redirects to delete.jsp (or delete.html or delete.htm)     }       @GET     public void someAction() {         // By default, this action redirects to someAction.jsp (or someAction.html or someAction.htm)     } }</pre>    <br />    <p><strong>项目主页:</strong><a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>