jQuery的表格扩展插件 jTable

fmms 12年前
     <p><strong>jTable </strong>是一个 <strong>jQuery </strong>插件用来创建基于 Ajax 的 CRUD 表格,无需进行 HTML 和 JavaScript 编码。</p>    <p><img alt="jQuery的表格扩展插件 jTable" src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/b3a9033c8b264e714d1ce26920e18841.png" width="667" height="476" /></p>    <p>主要特性包括:</p>    <ul>     <li>Automatically creates HTML <strong>table </strong>and <strong>loads </strong>records from server using AJAX.</li>     <li>Creates '<strong>create </strong>new record' jQueryUI <strong>dialog form</strong>. When user creates a record, it sends data to server using AJAX and adds the same record to the table in the page.</li>     <li>Creates '<strong>edit </strong>record' jQueryUI <strong>dialog form</strong>. When user edits a record, it updates server using AJAX and updates all cells on the table in the page.</li>     <li>Allow user to '<strong>delete </strong>a record' by jQueryUI dialog based confirmation. When user deletes a record, it deletes the record from server using AJAX and deletes the record from the table in the page.</li>     <li>Shows <strong>animations </strong>for <strong>create/delete/edit </strong>operations on the table.</li>     <li>Supports <strong>server side paging</strong> using AJAX.</li>     <li>Supports <strong>server side sorting</strong> using AJAX.</li>     <li>Supports <strong>master/child tables</strong>.</li>     <li>Allows user to <strong>select rows</strong>.</li>     <li>Exposes some events to enable <strong>validation</strong> with forms.</li>     <li>It <strong>can be localized</strong><strong> </strong>easily.</li>     <li>All <strong>styling </strong>of table and forms are defined in a <strong>CSS </strong>file, so you can easily change style of everything to use plugin in your pages. CSS file is well defined and commented.</li>     <li>It comes with <strong>pre-defined color themes</strong>.</li>     <li>It is <strong>not depended </strong>on any server side technology.</li>     <li>It is <strong>platform independed </strong>and works on all common browsers.</li>    </ul>    <p><strong>项目主页:</strong><a href="http://www.open-open.com/lib/view/home/1323600420296" target="_blank">http://www.open-open.com/lib/view/home/1323600420296</a></p>