PHP模板引擎 Dwoo

openkk 12年前
     Dwoo 是一个 PHP5 的模板引擎,与 Smarty 类似,兼容 Smarty 的模板和插件。smarty是一个基于PHP开发的PHP模板引擎。它提供了逻辑与外在内容的分离,简单的讲,目的就是要使 用PHP程序员同美工分离,使用的程序员改变程序的逻辑内容不会影响到美工的页面设计,美工重新修改页面不会影响到程序的程序逻辑,这在多人合作的项目中 显的尤为重要。    <ul>     <li><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4959498273885417942">Template Inheritance</a>, a fresh look at complex template structures, now built without includes </li>     <li>Sub-template declaration within templates to allow recursive templates. </li>     <li>Smarty syntax compatibility with several additions and <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4959498274013405891">shortcuts</a> to speed up template writing </li>     <li>Flexible <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4959498274136918893">plugin creation</a>, plugins can be wrapped in classes or simple functions, they can be precompiled to optimize the load time of the template, etc. </li>     <li>Scope aware engine, allowing for <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4959498274254487148">shorter templates</a> </li>     <li>Unicode / UTF-8 support for string manipulation functions. </li>     <li>Generally faster than Smarty with variable speed improvements depending on the features used. </li>     <li>E_STRICT compliant code that does not throw PHP warnings. </li>     <li>Ready to use with several frameworks using the provided adapters (ZendFramework, Agavi, CakePHP, CodeIgniter) </li>    </ul>    <p><strong>项目主页:</strong><a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>