企业版 ICEfaces EE 2.0 发布


ICEfaces是一个基于Ajax的JSF开发框架。ICEfaces原本是一个商业产品,现已基于Mozilla Public License协议开源了。它提供一整套完整的Java EE应用程序开发组件,能够帮助开发人员用纯Java(not JavaScript)快速开发瘦客户端胖互联网应用程序(Rich Internet Applications:RIA)。另外可通过在线Demo体验一下ICEfaces的强大功能。

ICEfaces EE 是一个经过完全测试和认证的企业级解决方案,要求完全支持保证 SLA 相应时间的产品环境,企业版主要特性有:

  • an enterprise-ready framework that has been extensively tested and certified
  • access to advanced composite components
  • access to robust IDE tool integrations for leading IDE tools, tailored for ICEfaces EE, including exclusive support for IBM RAD 8
  • certified support for legacy Internet Explorer browser versions (IE6, IE7)
  • access to Functional and Load Testing tutorials and reference resources
  • ability scale complex applications featuring Ajax-push in clustered, highly-available environments with failover
  • access to the latest certified releases, emergency patches, and custom builds
  • integrate with Java EE open source and commercial software products
  • to be professionally supported with committed SLA response times
  • to be supported on previous versions of ICEfaces EE