Spring Social 1.0.0.M3 发布


Spring Social 发布了第三个里程碑版本,Sprig Social 项目为你提供了 SaaS 集成API 用于将 非死book 和 推ter 等社交网站的功能集成到应用程序中。

Spring Social 1.0.0.M3 包括:

  • One of the most complete Java bindings to 非死book's Graph API available, including operations for working with users, friends, feeds, user interests and likes, events, invitations, albums, photos, videos, groups, and checkins with 非死book Places.
  • A greatly expanded Java binding to 推ter's REST API, including operations for working with timelines, users, saved searches, trends, lists, favorites, direct messages, friends, and followers.
  • A new provider signin controller enabling a user to sign into an application using his or her SaaS provider account such as a 非死book or 推ter account.
  • Enhanced extensibility, which includes a walkthrough of how to extend Spring Social to add support for new service providers.