开源的Perl IDE:Padre

Padre是采用Perl开发的Perl IDE(集成开发环境)。支持通过定制支持其它多种语言的语法高亮显示、支持Perl5 及Perl6进行语法检查和重构、上下文帮助和代码自动完成、非常适合于初学者使用、跨平台支持(Linux、Mac OS X、Windows)等。
Padre 0.47 on Windows7 using the auto-complete-always feature
Padre 0.46 loading a big saved session
Padre 0.45 running on Ubuntu Netbook Remix
Padre 0.45 running on Ubuntu
Padre 0.41 on Linux with Directory View and the Preferences window showing the mime-type settings.
Padre 0.40 running on Microsoft Open Source Network Server 2008 64bit remote virtual machine
Padre 0.38 running on OS X Leopard