Pear Linux 7 发布

jopen 11年前

Pear OS是基于Ubuntu的法语桌面Linux发行。它的一些特性包括易于使用、带有Mac OS X风格工具栏的定制用户界面,以及对多种流行多媒体编码解码器开箱即用式的支持。Pear OS只能用于64比特计算机。
Pear Linux 7 发布
David Tavares has announced the release of Pear Linux 7, a highly customised Ubuntu-based desktop Linux distribution with GNOME 3.6: " Pear Linux 7 is available. You will find in this version: Linux kernel 3.5, LibreOffice 4.0.1, Pear OS software center, MyPear 4, Pear Cleaner 2.1; based on Ubuntu 12.10 without Unity and the GNOME panel; new Pear Linux Shell (7.0) based on Wingpanel and plank; new Pear Linux and icon theme, splash and login screen; new desktop notifications with notification center; new Pear OS software center; new mission control; new virtual desktop switcher; based on Linux kernel 3.5, but you kernels 3.7.10 and 3.8.5 are available in the repository; CleanMyPear - a cleaning system...." See the full release announcement for further information and screenshots. Download: pearos7-amd64.iso (1,016MB, MD5). A separate server edition is also available.
Pear Linux 7 发布