Ultimate Edition 3.8 发布,具有一键升级的特点

jopen 10年前

Ultimate Edition最初于2006年12月发布,它是Ubuntu的衍生物。该项目的宗旨是创建一份完整的、无缝集成的、视觉上有震撼力的、并且易于安装的操作系统。单键升级是该发行一些独有特点中的一项。其他主要特性包括带有3D效果的定制桌面及主题,对包含WiFi及蓝牙在内众多网络选项的支持,以及对很多额外应用软件仓库的集成。
Ultimate Edition 3.8 发布,
"TheeMahn" has announced the availability of Ultimate Edition 3.8, an Ubuntu-based distribution featuring the MATE desktop environment with extra privacy features: " Ultimate Edition 3.8 was built from the ground up, debootstrapped from the Ubuntu 13.04 'Raring Ringtail' tree. Many of the issues I faced with the development of Ultimate Edition 3.6 and 3.7 just faded away. Finally, in my humble opinion a release worthy of the Ultimate Edition title. My main focus on this distribution was your privacy and security. I have taken steps beyond the call of duty to ensure that is exactly what happens. These integrated features may become a new de-facto standard with future releases of Ultimate Edition. No more 'big brother' watching over your shoulder and tracking your every move." Read the release notes which include a number of screenshots. Download (MD5) the live DVD image from SourceForge: ultimate-edition-3.8-x64.iso (2,412MB). Ultimate Edition 3.8 发布,