OS4 4.0 "Enterprise" 发布,基于Xubuntu的桌面和服务器Linux发行

jopen 11年前

OS4 4.0
Roberto Dohnert has announced the release of OS4 4.0 "Enterprise" edition, an Ubuntu-based distribution for desktops and servers with special enterprise features: " Today we are pleased to release OS4 Enterprise 4.0 for the general public. What is OS4 Enterprise 4.0 vs OS4 OpenDesktop 13? OS4 Enterprise is built with enterprise customers in mind. OS4 Enterprise 4.0 is built on LTS technologies and the release schedule is a little more spread out than our community-driven distribution, OS4 OpenDesktop. With OS4 Enterprise 4.0 customers get a full Microsoft-compatible office suite, a groupware suite as well as complete development environments. In OS4 Enterprise 4.0, we are delivering a system that uses Roles. Roles are what specific task you want your OS to perform. Right now we have two, desktop and server." Read the rest of the release announcement for further details. OS4 4.0 "Enterprise" is available for purchase from the project's online store for US$50.00.
<IMG title=OS4 border=1 hspace=6 alt="OS4 4.0 " vspace=6 src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/e3ae4ba8c0b0505b5fc4c9ac7372fb30.png" width=480 height=384 发布,基于xubuntu的桌面和服务器linux发行?="" enterprise?="">