报表设计工具 Reportico 2.1 发布

fmms 13年前
     <p><img style="width:243px;height:100px;" title="reportico100.png" border="0" alt="reportico100.png" src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/43765252c6d184f2e1158e46bf6b3ebc.png" /><br /> Reportico 是一个报表设计工具,可用来设计报表、创建报表菜单和配置,支持图形、分组、下钻、表达式处理和数据转换,可导出 HTML、PDF 和 CSV 格式,可通过 CSS 修改报表外观。</p>    <p><img title="报表设计工具 Reportico 2.1 发布" border="0" alt="报表设计工具 Reportico 2.1 发布" src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/c4ca9f7125e317c498dd2503c0dab56f.png" width="200" height="561" /></p>    <div class="normalitem">     <h4 class="partitle">Reportico特性:<br /> </h4>     <ul class="swulist">      <li class="swlistitem">Report output in HTML, PDF or CSV format</li>      <li class="swlistitem">Easy set up of report criteria entry screens. You may select from list boxes, check boxes, radio buttons all generated from the underlying database data.</li>      <li class="swlistitem">Configurable labelling and formatting of report data</li>      <li class="swlistitem">Reports can be executed directly from URL address bar or command line by passing through the desired report criteria, output and report name as parameters. By specifying XML, JSON output formats Reportico report suites can be turned into web APIs</li>      <li class="swlistitem">Configurable look and feel via Stylesheets and Templates</li>      <li class="swlistitem">Support for many databases through the ADODB connectivity class. Supported databases include MySQL, Oracle, Informix, Sybase and many others</li>      <li class="swlistitem">Definition of group and associated headers and trailers</li>      <li class="swlistitem">Data brought back from the database can be manipulated prior to reporting via expression assignments using the the PHP language. This allows you to alter the formatting of data and perform arithmetic and string manipulation.</li>      <li class="swlistitem">Reports can be embedded within web pages with only a few lines of PHP</li> Ability to drill down between one report and another.      <li class="swlistitem">For more complex reports, you may enter PHP code directly into the report front end that can pick up your report criteria and transform, summarise and generally manipulate your data before it is pulled out for final reporting. This lends itself to the production of report data that has been filtered or summarised. It also facilitates the ability to perform batch transactions, updates and deletes during report execution and the report output can be the success status of the operation.</li>      <li class="swlistitem">Ability to produce graphs from the reported data. Ability to plot bar, line and pie plots with configurable colours, fonts and sizes.</li>      <li class="swlistitem">Ability to include database images within the report output.</li>      <li class="swlistitem">Ability to run reports in safe or live mode that will prevent users being able to modify the report configurations.</li>      <li class="swlistitem">Ability to publish your report as a web service</li>     </ul>    </div>    <p>项目地址:<a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958193785095034802" target="_blank">http://www.reportico.org/swsite/site/home/index.php</a><br /> </p>    <p>该版本在报表查询入口增加了日期选择器, WebAPI 可输出 XML 和 JSON 格式,修复了 PDF 生成的 bug,改善了外观。</p>