PHP网站开发框架 psx 0.4.2 发布

jopen 12年前
     psx 是一个用来开发 PHP 动态网站的框架,完全采用面向对象的方法进行设置,psx 严格的将代码和设计分离开来,其模版引擎是基于 XML 和 XSLT 的。    <br />    <img title="psx_logo_small.png" border="0" alt="psx_logo_small.png" src="" width="100" height="100" />    <br />    <p><strong>Changes:</strong></p>    <p>1. Updated atom and RSS item parsing. <br /> 2/ The HTTP socks handler has been fixed with proper handling of chunked transfer encoding. <br /> 3. An OpenID provider implementation has been added. <br /> 4. This<span class="truncate_more"> release updates the HTTP request class and fixes the curl handler. <br /> 5. The "Expect: 100-Continue" header has been removed and ca-bundle.pem updated. <br /> 6. The NestedSet library has been removed and new unit tests added. <br /> 7. Several bugs have been fixed<br /> <br /> </span></p>    <p>PSX is a framework for developing dynamic websites in PHP. The goal of PSX is to help you developing RESTful APIs serving web standard formats like JSON, XML, Atom and RSS. It has a focus on social technologies and provides classes to use and implement OAuth, OpenID, Opengraph, Opensocial, Opensearch, PubSubHubbub, Atom, and RSS. At the <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958195468969899448">example</a> page you can see sample implementations using various PSX classes wich give you an good overview how the PSX framework works. On the <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958195469717931121">download</a> section you can grab the current release of PSX or you can install it via <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958195470450577543">PEAR</a>. If you want contribute or get in contact you find at the <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958195471189966879">community</a> page all necessary informations. In the following a short overview what features PSX offers.</p>    <h5>Technical interoperability</h5>    <p>PSX offers a comprehensive PHP library wich is loosly coupled and designed after standard naming conventions so it can be used with other projects like i.e. PEAR, Symfony or Zend. All classes are independently usable because of dependency injection.</p>    <h5>RESTful APIs</h5>    <p>PSX supports you in building RESTful APIs using web standard formats like JSON, XML, Atom and RSS with standard request parameters like defined in the <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958195471930427185">OpenSocial Core API Spec</a>. To build a more programmable and federated social web.</p>    <h5>Lightweight MVC</h5>    <p>PSX includes a simple MVC architecture with an fast routing mechanism and by default PHP as template engine. The <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958195472674873696">class loader</a> defined by the php standard group is used.</p>