
fmms 13年前
     <p>MySQL是开发动态交互网站最常用的开源数据库管理系统。假如你使用MySQL来你网站的后台数据库,肯定要经常备份数据以防止丢失。</p>    <p></p>    <p>在这里介绍10个自动或手动备份的MySQL数据库教程。大家看看有没有适合你的。</p>    <p><a href="https://simg.open-open.com/show/866deb34ec1c0873b640624dba73c9f5.jpg"><img title="backing-up-mysql-database.jpg" border="0" alt="10个MySQL数据库备份教程" src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/e1c0a80ddc1783bb791a6e7a39ca95d0.jpg" /></a></p>    <p><strong>1.  <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958184812162646450">Backing Up Using MySQLDump</a></strong><br /> 备份数据可以用 MySQL自带的mysqldump工具。这里有各种使用mysqldump备份数据的例子,包括:将数据库备份成一个文件,备份到其它服务器上,甚至压缩成一个gzip文件。</p>    <p><strong>2. <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958184812907234940">MySQL Export: How to Backup Your MySQL Database?</a></strong></p>    <p>You can backup by making a dump file (export / backup) of a database used by your account. To do so you have to head over to phpMyAdmin tool in your cPanel.</p>    <p><strong>3. <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958184813657532207">Automatically Backup Mysql Database to Amazon S3</a></strong></p>    <p>你还可以使用Amazon S3来备份你的mysql数据。在这个教程中提供一个自动化备份脚本,并能够将备份的mysql文件传到Amazon S3云存储中。</p>    <p><strong>4. <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958184814402707783">How to Backup MySQL Databases, Web Server Files to an FTP Server Automatically</a></strong></p>    <p>It is an easy way to backup data for users who run their own web server and MySQL server on a dedicated box or VPS. The best thing when using FTP or NAS backup is the fact that your data is secure. First of all you have to backup every single database with mysqldump command, Automating tasks of backup with tar, Setup a cron job and create FTP backup script.</p>    <p><strong>5. <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958184813657532207">How to E-Mail Yourself an Automatic Backup of Your MySQL Database Table with PHP</a></strong></p>    <p>It will deliver an e-mail to you with an .sql file attached, which lets you to back up particular tables easily. You can even create an e-mail account specifically to get these backup.</p>    <p><strong>6. <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958184812907234940">How to Backup MySQL Database Using PHP</a></strong></p>    <p>Carry out a database backup query from PHP file. In order to restore the backup all you have to do is to run LOAD DATA INFILE query.</p>    <p><strong>7. <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958184816493309113">Backup Your Database Into an XML File By Using PHP</a></strong></p>    <p>It will display a PHP snippet that outputs your database as XML. XML is not one of the easiest format to restore a table but it is definitely easier to read.</p>    <p><strong>8. <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958184817239355986">Backup MySQL Database Through SSH</a></strong></p>    <p>SSH可用于使用大型MySQL数据。You will have to enable shell access in your cPanel or Plesk control panel and utilize a tool like PuTTY to log into your server through SSH.</p>    <p><strong>9. <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958184817981687331">How to Backup MySQL Database Automatically (For Linux Users)</a></strong></p>    <p>在这个教程中你将学习如何利用Linux系统cron自动备份数据。“cron”是一种在Unix/Linux系统中使用基于时间的计划任务安排工具。</p>    <p><strong>10. <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958184818726092179">Ubuntu Linux Backup MySQL Server Shell Script</a></strong></p>    <p>如何在基于Ubuntu Linux的VPS服务器上,将所有的MySQL数据库服务器备份到Ftp服务器上。</p>