MidnightBSD 0.5 发布

jopen 10年前

MidnightBSD是从FreeBSD派生出的操作系统。该项目的一个关键性目标是创建一份易于使用的桌面环境,并使用图形化的ports管理,以及 采用GNUstep的系统配置。该操作系统的主体将沿用BSD许可证。MidnightBSD是FreeBSD 6.1 beta的分支。
MidnightBSD 0.5 has been released. Enhancements: jails now run shutdown scripts; support for username with length 32, previous limit was 16; imported FreeBSD 9.2 USB stack (plus z87 patches from stable); updated em(4), igb(4) and ixgbe(4); MidnightBSD now works with Z87 Intel chipsets; rarpd supports vlan(4) and has a pid flag (from FreeBSD); support for 65,536 routing tables was added (up from 16); added Subversion to base (as svnlite); virtio(4) imported from FreeBSD 9, SCSI support not included. New software versions: File 5.19, MKSH R50, less 458, Perl 5.18.2, Sendmail 8.14.7 (plus AAAA record patch), Subversion 1.8.1, zlib 1.2.7. Package builds for the release are not yet complete. KDE was removed from mports due to lack of a maintainer for our ports. Currently, we're recommending Xfce 4.x as a desktop environment.

Download: MidnightBSD-release.iso (737MB, SHA256).