
jopen 9年前

1. jQueryMy

jQueryMy is a lightweight jQuery plugin for real time two-way data binding.


2. Tree Multiselect

A lightweight and fast jQuery plugin that will help you to replace a <select> element with a sweet treeview element.


3. jQuery Isinview

This is a very fast jQuery plugin that tell its users whether the elements are in view inside a scrollable container, or inside a container hiding its overflow.

4. Tagsort jQuery Plugin

Another useful plugin that uses HTML5 data attributes that helps users to create interactive tags and filter them later in set of tagged elements.


5. jQuery Confirm Action

Create a simple but beautiful confirm dialog popup with the help of jQuery confirm action plugin.


6. jQuery File Upload

jQuery File upload plugin is an awesome file upload plugin that comes with various features like multiple file selection, drag&drop support, progress bar, audio and video support, etc.


7. Pinto

This jQuery plugin allows you to create a Pinterest like responsive grid layout. It has lot of customization options and very lightweight.


8. ulak

A super lightweight and easy to use jQuery notification bar plugin.


Add more to the list of you have come up with any such useful jQuery plugin that you have lately introduced. If you have used any of the above plugin, you can drop in your comments below to share your reviews.

1. lightGallery

lightGallery is an easily customizable, modular, responsive, lightbox gallery plugin for jQuery. The cool features that this plugin comes endowed with together make it the best pick.


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2. Easy Z modal

Easy Z Modal is a simple and dynamic plugin dialog boxes that ask users to make their creative juices flow and customize it as per their choice.


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JAIL is a lightweight jQuery plugin that lazy loads the images to make your web page load speedily thereby enhancing the user-experience.


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4. jFlex

jFlex is a touch-device friendly jQuery carousel plugin for users to make optimum use of it.


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5. Viewer

Viewer as the name hints is a simple jQuery image viewing plugin to be used in different projects.


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6. Water Bubble Chart

Water Bubble Chart is a nice jQuery plugin that helps in rendering specific data into water bubble chart or liquid bubble chart. The plugin can be used in resume to describe the extent to which you master some skills, or to reflect as a progress bar for completing a specific task. Sounds cool huh!


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7. jQuery Bootstrap Purr

jQuery Bootstrap Purr is a plugin that helps in displaying Bootstrap alerts dynamically on your website.


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8. Neo Pager

Neo Pager is a jQuery based plugin that helps users in creating web-sections and possibility to scroll or jump through pages.


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9. Tabslet

Tabslet is a jQuery plugin for tabs. The best part is that the plugin is lightweight, easy-to-use, is compatible with many browsers and supports custom events, rotation, animation and controls.


Demo | Download

If you or your friend has lately developed plugins that you believe will be of great help to other developers and designers, do share the same with us. We will add the plugins suggested by you in our upcoming lists of best jQuery plugins of the week.