NethServer 6.6 Beta 1 发布,基于CentOS的面向服务器的Linux发行

jopen 9年前

NethServer是基于CentOS的面向服务器的Linux发行。该产品的主要特性是模块化的设计,这使得用户可以容易地将该发行用作以下任何功 能:邮件服务器和过滤器、网页服务器、群件、防火墙、网页过滤器、入侵阻止系统/入侵检测系统、虚拟专用网服务器。它还包含了一个全方位的基于网页的用户 界面,这能简化通用管理任务,并让用户通过单击就能安装一些预配置好的模块。NethServer主要为中小型企业而设计。

NethServer 6.6 Beta1 has been released and is publicly available.

ISO direct download (452MB)

Torrent (452MB)

SHA1 6c92ffb314063b3c4d911736e041bc672abeef9a nethserver-6.6-beta1-x86_64.iso
MD5 d066fea0047fa8848f060e84c5b089d3 nethserver-6.6-beta1-x86_64.iso



  • First configuration wizard
  • Software center
  • Server SSL certificate alternative names
  • Phone home
  • Block of port 25 from green and blue networks

Release notes, changes and instructions about how to upgrade from the
previous 6.5 are available at

A new installation can begin from

  • ISO, by erasing any existing data on the hard disk (!)
  • network, on a previously installed CentOS 6.6 minimal [1]

Starting from 6.6 release, NethServer installations contact CentOS mirrors directly to retrieve upstream updates. NethServer specific packages are still served by and other NethServer mirrors.


How to help and get help

Refer to the Administrator’s manual:

The user documentation is a work in progress. Feel free to contribute by forking the GitHub repository:

If you find a defect, please check if it is already known on the issue tracker [2] and on the NethServer public mailing-list archives [3], then report the problem to the mailing-list itself [4].

For any other question or suggestion, write to NethServer public mailing-list [4], you are welcome!


[1] CentOS project
[2] Issue tracker
[3] Mailing list archives
[4] Mailing list address