
jopen 10年前


        在 2014 微软 Build 大会上,Anders Hejlsberg 亲自宣布 .NET 编译平台 Roslyn 开源。

        Anders Hejlsberg 是 Turbo Pascal 编译器的主要作者,号称 Delphi 和 C# 之父,同时他也是 .NET 创立者。 

        Roslyn 是以 API 为驱动的下一代编译器,集成在最新版的 Visual Studio 上。它开放 C# 和 Visual Basic 编译器的 API,使得开发者可以借助编译器进行解析代码文件、动态为编程语言增加功能、扩展编译器、自定义编译器动作等操作。

        Cloud and Enterprise 执行副总裁 Scott Guthrie 先生表示,今天宣布的决定是 .NET 基金会广泛倡议的一部分,公司将来开源更多的项目,现已启动 24 个 .NET 开源项目,大部分都是经 Apache 2.0 许可发布的。



  1. In your browser, navigate to http://roslyn.codeplex.com/SourceControl/latest

  2. Click the "Clone" link and copy the URL

  3. Open the Visual Studio Team Explorer Windows (View\Team Explorer)

  4. Select the "Connect to Team Projects" option if you are already connected to a different project

  5. Under “Local Git Repositories” click the “Clone” link

  6. Enter the URL from step 2 in the top box

  7. Pick a location on your local machine to store the code

  8. Click the Clone button

  9. Switch to the "releases/build-preview" branch

    • In Team Explorer, select the "Branches" view

    • Click the "New Branch" link

    • Name your branch: releases/build-preview

    • Select: origin/releases/build-preview from the dropdown

    • Ensure "Checkout branch" is checked

    • Click "Create Branch"

        Source Code

  • Clone the sources:
git clone https://git01.codeplex.com/roslyn

        Getting Started


        Some of the best ways to contribute are to try things out, file bugs, and join in design conversations. Looking at the known issues is a great place to start.


来自: roslyn.codeplex.com