Doxygen 1.8.11 发布,文档生成工具

jopen 8年前

Doxygen 1.8.11 发布,部分更新如下:

  • Bug 149792 - Mainpage title has wrong style in RTF [view and [view]

  • Bug 333106 - $line param [view]

  • Bug 361814 - python: tuple assignment not recognized as variable initialization [view]

  • Bug 485701 - Fixes angle brackets (< and >) not escaped in HTML formula alt text [view]

  • Bug 578720 - [Python] Add pyw as a valid extension [view]

  • Bug 593642 - Python: STRIP_CODE_COMMENTS Doesn't work within the source code [view]

  • Bug 595186 - Python ignores \private tag [view]

  • Bug 606104 - Deprecated list: Wrong prefix '<globalScope>::' for global functions [view]

  • Bug 629249 - Incorrect "References" and "Referenced by" [view]

  • Bug 641036 - python script with #!/usr/bin/python are not documented correctly [view]

  • Bug 646002 - htmlonly content appears in generated XML output [view] and [view]

  • Bug 648865 - PYTHON: stops processing the file after encountering \"""" [view]

  • Bug 661814 - writeMemberNavIndex template calls static fixSpaces [view]

  • Bug 682373 - Math does not work in LaTeX with custom header and footer. [view]

  • Bug 731509 - Markdown backticks not processed within Markdown links. [view]



Doxygen 是一个 C++, C, Java, Objective-C、Python、IDL (CORBA 和 Microsoft flavors)、Fortran、VHDL、PHP、C#和D语言的文档生成器。可以运行在大多数类Unix系统,以及Mac OS X操作系统和Microsoft Windows 。 初始版本的Doxygen借鉴了一些老版本DOC++的代码;随后,Doxygen源代码由Dimitri van Heesch重写。

Doxygen是一个编写软件参考文档的工具。 该文档是直接写在代码中,因此比较容易保持更新。 Doxygen 可以交叉引用文档和代码,使文件的读者可以很容易地引用实际的代码。

Doxygen 1.8.11 发布,文档生成工具
