Jodd 3.4.1 发布,Java开发常用工具和框架

jopen 11年前

Jodd是一个开放源码的Java工具库和一套框架。 Jodd工具丰富和增强了JDK现有的许多功能。可以使代码更加强大和可靠。 Jodd框架是一套轻量级应用程序框架,紧凑而强大。设计遵循 CoC, DRY 和 SCS原则 ,使得开发更简单。它已经实现90%的功能,通常你只需要再用10%的努力。


新特性:Added filter method to Jerry. // marcin erdmann
新特性:More ways how to define hints in $C Template-SQL macro.
修复内容:Fixed issue with Google App Engine and ReflectUtil. // nick okunew
变化内容:DbSessionProvider now requires DbSession to be created and controlled outside of the class.
变化内容:Migrated to ASM 4.1
变化内容:Attaching Mail attachments is different (better) now.
修复内容:Embedded attachments now works with ThunderBird and GMail. // george pligor
新特性:More array type-conversions added.
新特性:Added OSGI information in all jars.
新特性:Madvoc @Action annotation now has result property.
新特性:Jerry is now iterrable (Groovy! :). // rob fletcher
修复内容:CSSelly now supports escaped characters. // doosik kim