Diffuse 0.4.7 发布,文本文件比对与合并工具

jopen 11年前

Diffuse是一个图形化的文本文件比对与合并工具。它支持许多版本控制系统,可作为一个dif查看器或合并工具。 Diffuse is able to compare an arbitrary number of files side-by-side (n-way merge), and gives the user the ability to manually correct line matching and directly edit the files。
Diffuse 0.4.7 发布,文本文件比对与合并工具
发布日志: This release adds Czech and Polish localization, better support for UTF-16 and UTF-32 encoded text, and a new menu item for opening n-way file merges. Syntax highlighting has been added for Erlang and OpenCL files. Several minor bugs were also fixed