为开发人员准备的 20 个最新 JavaScript 工具

jopen 10年前

1. MotorCortex.js

MotorCortex makes web animations easy, providing the ability to describe them through CSS-like syntax and stop messing animation logic with your actual javascript code.

2. JS Nice

JS Nice makes even obfuscated JavaScript code readable. It is a new kind of statistical de-obfuscation and de-minification engine for JavaScript. Given a JavaScript program, JSNice automatically suggests new likely identifier names and types. JSNice uses advanced machine learning and program analysis techniques to learn name and type regularities from large amounts of available open source projects.

3. Ouibounce

Ouibounce is a small library enabling you to display a modal before a user leaves your website. This library helps you increase landing page conversion rates. Ouibounce fires when the mouse cursor moves close to (or passes) the top of the viewport. You can define how far the mouse has to be before Ouibounce fires. The higher value, the more sensitive, and the more quickly the event will fire.

4. Random Color

RandomColor generates attractive colors by default. More specifically, randomColor produces bright colors with a reasonably high saturation. This makes randomColor particularly useful for data visualizations and generative art. RandomColor is a color generator for JavaScript.

5. WinJS

WinJS is a set of JavaScript toolkits that allow developers to build applications using HTML/JS/CSS technology forged with the following principles in mind: Provide developers with a distinctive set of UI controls with high polish and performance with fundamental support for touch, mouse, keyboard and accessibility. Provide developers with a cohesive set of components and utilities to build the scaffolding and infrastructure of their applications.

6. JS Capture

JSCapture is screen capturing library implemented with pure JavaScript and HTML5. It allows you to make screenshots and record a video of your desktop from your browser. JSCapture uses getUserMedia for screen capturing. Currently the API for screen capturing is supported only by Google Chrome, Canary and Chromium by enabling an experimental flag


7. Marka

Marka is a simple script that lets you animate a number of icon and basic geometric shapes using CSS and JavaScript. There are 18 icons supported, including asterisks, checks, circles, squares, triangles, signal bars, and more.

8. Smallworld

Smallworld.js is a utility for generating simple map previews with GeoJSON and HTML5 Canvas. It has no dependencies, and comes with a simple wrapper for use with jQuery and Zepto.

9. Duo

Duo is a next-generation package manager that blends the best ideas from Component, Browserify and Go to make organizing and writing front-end code quick and painless. Duo was designed from the ground up to grow alongside your application, making your three main workflows incredibly simple: Creating quick proof of concepts, writing modular components, building large web applications.


10. Ocrad.js

Ocrad.js is a pure-javascript version of the Ocrad project, automatically converted using Emscripten. It is a simple OCR (Optical Character Recognition) program that can convert scanned images of text back into text. Clocking in at about a megabyte of Javascript with no hefty training data dependencies.

11. Papa Parse

There’s a thousand CSV libraries for Javascript. Papa Parse is different. It’s written with correctness and performance in mind. Papa is the first multi-threaded CSV parser that runs on web pages. It can parse files gigabytes in size without crashing the browser. It correctly handles malformed or edge-case CSV text. It can parse files on the local filesystem or download them over the Internet. Papa is boss.

12. Vanilla Masker

Vanilla Masker is a pure javascript input masker. Now you can use a simple and pure javascript lib to mask your input elements, without need to load jQuery or Zepto to do it. Don’t worry about where this will work, because this is a cross-browser and cross-device library. It is licensed under MIT License.

13. Smart Fixed Navigation

smart fixed navigation
Smart Fixed Navigation is a fixed navigation that allows your users to access the menu at any time while they are experiencing your website. It’s smaller than a full-width fixed header, and replaces the back-to-top button with a smarter UX solution.

14. CSV.js

A comma-separated values (CSV) file stores tabular data (numbers and text) in plain-text form. A CSV file consists of any number of records, separated by line breaks of some kind; each record consists of fields, separated by some other character or string, most commonly a literal comma or tab. CSV.js is a simple, blazing-fast CSV parsing/encoding in JavaScript. Compatible with browsers, AMD, and NodeJS.

15. Passwordless

Passwordless is a token-based password authentication middleware for Express and Node.js. It’s faster to deploy, with just a single form and text field, with no need for separate registration, login, and lost password pages.

16. Wavepot

Wavepot is a JavaScript app for creating music and other audio tracks. There are tons of demos and examples available, and overall it’s very simple to use.

17. SideComment.js

SideComment.js is an easy way to add comment functionality on a per-paragraph level, similar to Medium. Comments are displayed to the side of the text, rather than at the bottom, with a link to add a comment beside each paragraph.

18. Socket.io

Socket.IO enables real-time bidirectional event-based communication. It works on every platform, browser or device, focusing equally on reliability and speed. You can push data to clients that gets represented as real-time counters, charts or logs.

19. Quill

Quill was built to address the problem that existing WYSIWYG editors are themselves WYSIWYG. If the editor was not exactly the way you want it, it was difficult or impossible to customize it to fit your needs. Quill aims to solve this by organizing itself into modules and offering a powerful API to build additional modules. It also imposes no styles to allow you to skin the editor however you wish. Quill also provides all of what you’ve come to expect from a rich text editor, including a lightweight package, numerous formatting options, and wide cross platform support.


20. Obelisk.js

Obelisk.js is a JavaScript Engine for building isometric pixel objects. With the simple and flexible API provided by this engine, you can easily add isometric pixel element like brick, cube, pyramid onto HTML5 canvas.