GeoTools 10.0 发布,GIS工具包

jopen 10年前

Geotools是一个GIS工具包,用于通过GeoAPI接口开发基于OGC的项目。它包含了两个强大基于SLD的渲染器和工具来访问光栅和重投影。还提供插件来支持Shapefile, ArcGrid, ArcSDE, Postgis, OracleSpatial, MySQL等。

发布说明: This release brings structured grid coverage readers to allow raster data sources that publish composite data products. Efficient support for multiple coverages in GridCoverageReader provides ad-hoc access to raster formats that publish more that one data product. The transform module has graduated to supported status, providing a seamless way to rename, retype, and hide SimpleFeatureSource attributes, as well as create new ones based on OGC Expression. Additional OGC modules for the WCS 2.0 and WCS 2.0 EO models, as well as the addition of XML parsers and encoders GeoTools 9.4 发布,Java开源GIS工具箱