Java快速应用开发工具,Forge 2.13.1.Final (Ingot) 发布

jopen 9年前

Java快速应用开发工具,Forge 2.13.1.Final (Ingot) 发布

Forge 是一个快速应用开发工具,用来开发 J2EE 应用,提供一个可扩展的插件系统,强大的命令方式等等特性。

Forge 2.13.1.Final (Ingot) 发布,此版本现已提供 下载


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  • Format Sources:提供一个命令使用 Roaster 来格式 Java 源

  • 准备支持 JDK 8:现在最低支持的版本还是 JDK7,但是已经可以编译和运行 JDK8

  • 组件升级: 升级 Roaster 到 2.11.1.Final



  • [FORGE-1645] - JavaResource resolve to wrong path after CD
  • [FORGE-2072] - Setting servletVersion to 3.1 generate as many as entity scaffolds
  • [FORGE-2170] - Forge addon-build-and-install doesn't work with wildcards "." "~"
  • [FORGE-2180] - Display the FORGE_HOME variable when Forge boots up

Component Upgrade

  • [FORGE-2172] - Upgrade to Roaster to 2.11.1.Final


  • [FORGE-2019] - Compilation errors in JDK 1.8.0_20+
  • [FORGE-2073] - File input should be relative to current directory, not ${user.dir}

Feature Request

  • [FORGE-1950] - command to format a file (or folder recursively) of Java source files
