SolusOS 2 Alpha 7 发布,桌面Linux发行

jopen 11年前

SolusOS是新手友好的桌面Linux发行,它基于Debian GNU/Linux的最新稳定发布。其特色在于GNOME 2桌面,面向日常任务的一组精心挑选的缺省应用程序,从“backports”升级的软件,一套完整的多媒体插件,一份定制的GNOME菜单,以及一份直观的图形化安装程序。
SolusOS 2 Alpha 7 发布
Development Release: SolusOS 2 Alpha 7^The seventh alpha of SolusOS 2 has been released for testing. SolusOS is a Debian-based distribution project that has recently forked the GNOME 3 Fallback mode into a brand-new Consort desktop environment. From the release announcement: " The SolusOS team is pleased to announce the release of SolusOS 2 Alpha 7. This release is intended to demonstrate the Consort desktop, which will be the flagship desktop of SolusOS 2. Please note that this is an alpha release and should not be used in a production environment. Currently only the 32-bit PAE ISO image is available for testing. New geatures and addressed issues: Consortium (Metacity fork) now has side-by-side window tiling; issues with 'shadow trails' and 'latent shadow boxes' left behind by tool tips, DND icons and menus are gone; Consort Panel is now fully usable; gnome-applets has also been forked into consort-applets to undergo active development...." Download: SolusOS-2-A7.iso (995MB, MD5, torrent). SolusOS 2 Alpha 7 发布