Scala异步函数编程框架 asyncfp 0.6 发布

fmms 13年前
     <p>asyncfp 0.6 发布了,asyncfp 是一个 Scala 的异步函数编程框架,提供了自下而上的方法实现垂直可伸缩性。引入了一个全新的 actor 可与其他 actor 进行异步或者同步的互操作性,支持组合、组件相互依存以及复杂的生命周期。</p>    <p><strong>Changes:</strong></p>    <p>1. Subsystems are implemented using hierarchical dependency injection. <br /> 2. In addition, the factory and actor registries pass unsatisfied requests up to their superior system services.<span class="truncate_more"> <br /> 3. This is an important capability when building large applications<br /> <br /> 项目地址:<a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958185166430910837" target="_blank"></a></span></p>