Jetty 7.6.2 和 8.1.2 (v20120308) 发布

jopen 12年前
     <p><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958184803864787499" target="_blank">Jetty </a>是一个开源的servlet容器,它为基于Java的web内容,例如JSP和servlet提供运行环境。Jetty是使用Java语言编写的,它的 API以一组JAR包的形式发布。开发人员可以将Jetty容器实例化成一个对象,可以迅速为一些独立运行(stand-alone)的Java应用提供 网络和web连接。</p>    <p><img alt="Jetty 7.6.2 和 8.1.2 (v20120308) 发布" src="" width="283" height="80" /></p>    <p><br style="font-weight:bold;" /> <span style="font-weight:bold;">Jetty 今天发布了两个更新版本</span>,目前 Jetty 开发团队正在解决一些挥之不去的跟 OSGi 使用相关的 JSP 问题,这些问题将会在下一个版本中给予解决。</p>    <p>而今天发布的两个新版本主要也是 bug 修复,修复的同一些问题:</p>    <p> + 370387 SafariWebsocketDraft0Test failure during build.<br />  + 371168 Update ClientCrossContextSessionTest<br />  + 372093 handle quotes in Require-Bundle manifest string<br />  + 372457 Big response + slow clients + pipelined requests cause Jetty spinning and eventually closing Connections. Added a TODO for a method renaming that will happen in the next major release (to avoid break implementers).<br />  + 372487 JDBCSessionManager does not work with Oracle<br />  + 372806 Command line should accept relative paths for xml config files<br />  + 373037 jetty.server.Response.setContentLength(int) should not close a Writer when length=0<br />  + 373162 add improved implementation for getParameterMap(), needs a test though and the existing setup doesn't seem like it would easily support the needed test so need to do that still<br />  + 373306 Set default user agent extraction pattern for UserAgentFilter<br />  + 373567 cert validation issue with ocsp and crldp always being enabled when validating turned on fixed<br />  + JETTY-1409 GzipFilter will double-compress application/x-gzip content<br />  + JETTY-1489 WebAppProvider attempts to deploy .svn folder<br />  + JETTY-1494 .</p>