Edubuntu 13.04 Beta 1 发布,适合于课堂使用Linux发行

jopen 11年前

Edubuntu是Ubuntu Linux的姊妹项目,该发行适合于课堂使用。其宗旨在于,一个拥有有限技术知识和技能的教育者,将能够配置一个计算机实验室,或者设置一套在线的学习环 境,而这只花费一个小时或更少,之后,他就可以管理起这套环境,并且不必去成为一个完全的Linux专家。
 Edubuntu 13.04 Beta 1 发布,适合于课堂使用Linux发行
Jonathan Carter has announced the availability of the first beta release of Edubuntu 13.04, an official Ubuntu flavour with focus on education: " Edubuntu 13.04, code name 'Raring Ringtail', beta now available. This build allows developers and users to evaluate early changes in this release and no details are finalised yet. Features that were partially implemented in alpha 1 and not completed have been removed in this beta build and will be re-integrated after the release. Please keep the following in mind when testing this build: artwork is not final and very likely to change, do not use for documentation purposes; package selection is not final and subject to change...." Here is the brief release announcement.

Download: edubuntu-13.04-beta1-dvd-amd64.iso (2,720MB, SHA256, torrent). Also released today were 13.04 beta 1 CD/DVD images for Kubuntu ( download, release notes), Lubuntu ( download, release notes), Xubuntu ( download, announcement) and Ubuntu Studio ( download, announcement).
Edubuntu 13.04 Beta 1 发布,适合于课堂使用Linux发行