轻量级桌面Linux发行,LXLE 14.04.1, 12.04.5 发布

jopen 10年前

LXLE是易于使用的轻量级桌面Linux发行,它基于Lubuntu并以LXDE桌面环境为特色。与其上游发行相比,LXLE有大量独特之处:它从 Ubuntu的LTS(长期支持)版本而创建,它以一套优选的缺省软件覆盖了大多数用户的日常需求,并且它还增加了有用的修改及微调以改进性能和功能。
LXLE 14.04.1 and 12.04.5 released. The official release of the incremental update to LXLE 14.04 and 12.04 has undergone minor changes and a few bug fixes which are as follows: panel and menu layout adjustments were made to encourage checking for updates in addition to the automatically installed security updates; GNOME 2 Paradigm has been corrected, in the last release an oversight of the bottom panel was not transparent by default, now fixed; Bash has been updated with all the latest security adjustments available; desktop pager has been updated to allow movement of programs between active desktops and show icons of open windows; 32bit 'printscreen' keyboard omission/error has been corrected....

download via BitTorrent: lxle14041.iso (1,474MB), lxle-12045.iso (1,328MB).
