LinHES 8.1 发布,用于机顶盒的Linux 的发行

jopen 10年前

LinHES及MythTV的安装变得尽可能简单的一个尝试。它包括了使你的机顶盒运作的所有必需软件,并能在尽可能少的时间内运行起来。LinHES基于Arch Linux。它的对象是任何寻找机顶盒解决方案的人。
LinHES 8.1 发布,基于Arch Linux 的发行
Cecil Watson has announced the release of LinHES 8.1, an Arch-based distribution for set-top boxes featuring the MythTV home entertainment application: " The LinHES Dev team is pleased to announce the release of LinHES R8.1. This builds upon R8.0 and is the first LinHES release using MythTV 0.27. Special notes: because MythTV is not compatible with older versions, all installs should be updated at the same time; If a system is not updated it will not be able to communicate with the other systems until after it is updated. Special upgrade notes: for people with remote frontends or slave backends the order of upgrade matters - first upgrade the master backend then slave backends, finally remote frontends may be upgraded; it is not possible to update to this release with versions older then R8.0. Changes: MythTV 0.27 with fixes; removal of classic local website. New stuff: Xymon alerts will appear on the console as well as via OSD; new default LinHES theme." Read the release announcement and release notes for further information. Download: LinHES_R8.1.iso (688MB, MD5).
LinHES 8.1 发布,基于Arch Linux 的发行