数据备份和恢复软件,Burp 1.3.18 发布

jopen 11年前

Burp是一个网络备份和恢复程序。它采用librsync,以节省网络流量和保存每个备份所使用的空间量。当备份Windows计算机时,它还使用VSS (Volume Shadow Copy Service)来作快照。

2012-11-02: burp-1.3.18 发布

在burp-1.3.18 的变化:    * Turn --enable-ipv6 configure option into --disable-ipv6.    * Print a carriage return when rewriting ssl_peer_cn on Windows.    * Make all places that log 'out of memory' also log the function name.    * Remove version_warn debug.    * Tweaks to the test script.    * Option to store Windows VSS headers separately to the actual file data.    * Option to strip Windows VSS headers from the actual file data.    * If no timebands are given to timer_script, default to not allowing a      backup.    * Add LC_TIME=C to LANG=C in the timer script.    * Add 'vss_strip' program, which is a tool for extracting the file data from      a file containing both VSS data and the file data.    * Add Patrick Koppen's patches:          - Add 'ssl_cipher' option.          - Add support for signal USR2 to Debian init script.          - Write pid first in pidfile.