数据库迁移工具,ora2pg 9.2 发布

jopen 12年前
   <div id="p_fullcontent" class="detail">     <p><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958189492565884955" target="_blank">Ora2pg</a>可以用来将Oracle数据库转换成PostgreSQL,主要功能:</p>     <p>- 可以导出整个数据结构(表格,视图,sequences,索引), 包含唯一,主键,外键和检查约束。<br /> - 导出用户和用户组的授权和权限<br /> - Export a table selection (by specifying the table names).<br /> - Export Oracle schema to a PostgreSQL 7.3+ schema.<br /> - Export predefined functions, triggers, procedures, packages and package bodies.<br /> - Export range and list Oracle partition.<br /> - Export full datas or following a WHERE clause.<br /> - Full support of Oracle BLOB object as PG BYTEA.<br /> - Export Oracle views as PG tables.<br /> - Export Oracle user defined types.<br /> - Provide basic help for converting PLSQL code to PLPGSQL (still needs manual work).<br /> - Works on any plateform.</p>    </div>    <br /> ora2pg 9.2 发布,该版本包含大量的代码改进,特别是大小写处理方面的,另外支持到处用户自定义组合类型。