IPFire 2.13 Core 73 发布,注重高级别安全的Linux发行

jopen 10年前

IPFire是一份Linux发行,它注重轻松的装备、方便的操作和高级别的安全。它通过一份直观的基于网页的界面来进行操作管理,该界面为新手级及老练 的系统管理员提供很多直观的配置选项。IPFire由一群关注安全及经常更新该产品以保持其安全的开发者来维护。IPFire带有一份定制的叫做 Pakfire的包管理器,系统也可以通过各种附件来进行扩展。
IPFire 2.13 Core 73 发布,注重高级别安全的Linux发行
IPFire 2.13 Core 73 is the latest stable release from the project that provides a hardened firewall distribution with corporate-level network protection: " IPFire 2.13 Core Update 73 comes with a bunch of smaller bug fixes and updates. The most important ones of these are updates of the Squid web proxy server, OpenSSH and the PHP Hypertext Processor. It is recommended to update as soon as possible. The Squid web proxy server has been updated to version 3.3.10. The most notable changes since the current version of Squid running in IPFire are better SMP scalability, an updated logging infrastructure and fixes. The transparent mode has been dropped in favour of the more general intercept mode which requires a different port than for the transparent mode. There is no intervention by the user required, when updating your IPFire system." Continue to the release announcement to learn about the changes and updates. Download from here: ipfire-2.13.i586-full-core73.iso (103MB, SHA1).