SME Server 9.1 Beta 1 发布

yne7 9年前

SME Server(以前叫做e-smith)由Joseph和Kim Morrison成立于1999年一月。该公司于1999年四月引入了其旗舰软件产品的第一个版本,e-smith server and gateway;至当年年底,已经有数千份e-smith servers运行在从斐济到芬兰的多个国家中。其口碑很快就流传于开发人员及系统集成人员中,他们需要稳固、易用的服务器以面向小型企业的用户群。在 2001七月,e-smith被Mitel Networks收购,但之后被作为开放源码产品按照GNU通用公共许可证释出。2013五月,一个新的非盈利性组织被成立起来以管理SME server。出于版权问题的缘故它被改名为Koozali SME Server Inc。单词Koozali与重生之意的Swahili近音。今后的版本将采用这个名字。该发行基于CentOS,目前完全由捐款来资助。

Koozali SME Server 9.1 Beta 1 Release Notes  ===========================================    31st March 2015    The Koozali SME Server (SME Server) development team is pleased to announce  the release of SME Server 9.1 Beta 1 which is based on CentOS 6.6.    Bug reports and reports of potential bugs should be raised in the bug  tracker (and only there, please); Download  ========    You can download SME Server 9.1 Beta 1 from or for other methods see Please note it may take up to 48 hours for mirrors to finish syncing,  during this time you may experience problems.      About SME Server  ================    SME Server is the leading Linux distribution for small and medium  enterprises. SME Server is brought to you by Koozali Foundation, Inc.,  a non-profit corporation that exists to provide marketing and legal support  for SME Server.    SME Server is freely available under the GNU General Public License and  is only possible through the efforts of the SME Server community.  However, the availability and quality of SME Server is dependent on  meeting our expenses, such as hosting costs, server hardware, etc.    As such, we ask for a donation to offset costs and fund further development.    a) If you are a school, a church, a non-profit organisation or an individual  using SME Server for private purposes, we would appreciate you to contribute  within your means toward the costs associated with hosting, maintenance and  development.    b) If you are a company or an integrator and you are deploying SME Server in  the course of your work to generate revenue, we expect you to make a   donation  commensurate with the level of revenue you generate and the number of   servers  your have in the field. Please, help the project    Please visit to donate.    Koozali Inc is happy to supply an invoice for any donations received,  simply email treasurer at Notes  =====    In-place upgrades are not supported. It is necessary to backup and then   restore.  /boot partition is always RAID 1.  The spare handling for RAID arrays is not implemented.    USB installs are now supported, see: Changes in this release  =======================    Only the changes since SME Server 9.0 are listed, mainly  autogenerated from the changelogs.    Packages altered by Centos, Redhat, and Fedora-associated developers are  not included.      Backups  -------    - dar add pkgconfig    - dar new upstream version    - dar new upstream version    - Workstation Backup, do not fail backup for mtime/ctime mismatch    - Change the sub checkMount() to findmnt Ian Wells <esmith at>    - Add requires nfs-utils    - The nfs service is neither started or allowed to start    - Don't remove the apache group during restore      LDAP  ----    - Make pdbedit output independent from locale and timezone so it can be      parsed    - Symlink /etc/init.d/ldap to /usr/bin/sv    - Chown all DB files to ldap before staring slapd    - Set checkpoint in slapd.conf instead of DB_CONFIG    - Stop ldap on shutdown (rc0 and rc6)    - Don't overwrite the ldif dump if slapcat's output is empty      (code from Charlie Brady)    - Run db_recover on startup    - Don't wipe LDAP DB when the ldif dump is empty    Localisation  ------------    - apply locale 2015-03-14 patch from pootle    - apply locale 2014-12-25 patch from pootle    Mail Server  -----------    - ClamAV Updated to release 0.98.6    - ClamAV Updated to release 0.98.5    - Remove the patch e-smith-email-5.4.0-UEsDBBQDAAAIA-new-signature.patch    - Add new zip file signatures to default mailpatterns database :   UEsDBBQDAAAIA    - Add new zip file signatures to default mailpatterns database :   ZIPVOSX & ZIPV3    - Disable fips mode on stunnel    - Use stunnel instead of sslio to support TLS    - Revert forcing TLSv1 patch as it breaks some inbound delivery    - Revert whitelist_soft dnsbl as it hasn't been verified yet and we   need to      push the fix for TLSv1    - Modify whitelist_soft transaction to interact with dnsbl filter      by John Crisp <jcrisp at>    - Force usage of TLSv1    - Increase MemLimit to 700M for clamav-0.98    - Allow custom passdb args    - allow IP relayclient stored by DB      Code from Stefano ZAmboni <zamboni at>      & Charlie Brady <charlieb-contribs-bugzilla at>    - allow IP relayclient stored by DB      Code from Stefano ZAmboni <zamboni at>    Server manager  --------------    - fileinfo: fix out-of-bounds read in elf note headers. CVE-2014-3710    - xmlrpc: fix out-of-bounds read flaw in mkgmtime() CVE-2014-3668    - core: fix integer overflow in unserialize() CVE-2014-3669    - exif: fix heap corruption issue in exif_thumbnail() CVE-2014-3670    - spl: fix use-after-free in ArrayIterator due to object      change during sorting. CVE-2014-4698    - spl: fix use-after-free in SPL Iterators. CVE-2014-4670    - gd: fix NULL pointer dereference in gdImageCreateFromXpm.      CVE-2014-2497    - fileinfo: fix incomplete fix for CVE-2012-1571 in      cdf_read_property_info. CVE-2014-3587    - core: fix incomplete fix for CVE-2014-4049 DNS TXT      record parsing. CVE-2014-3597    - core: type confusion issue in phpinfo(). CVE-2014-4721    - date: fix heap-based buffer over-read in DateInterval. CVE-2013-6712    - core: fix heap-based buffer overflow in DNS TXT record parsing.      CVE-2014-4049    - core: unserialize() SPL ArrayObject / SPLObjectStorage type      confusion flaw. CVE-2014-3515    - fileinfo: out-of-bounds memory access in fileinfo. CVE-2014-2270    - fileinfo: unrestricted recursion in handling of indirect type      rules. CVE-2014-1943    - fileinfo: out of bounds read in CDF parser. CVE-2012-1571    - fileinfo: cdf_check_stream_offset boundary check. CVE-2014-3479    - fileinfo: cdf_count_chain insufficient boundary check. CVE-2014-3480    - fileinfo: cdf_unpack_summary_info() excessive looping      DoS. CVE-2014-0237    - fileinfo: CDF property info parsing nelements infinite      loop. CVE-2014-0238    - add php_get_module_initialized internal function (#1053301)    - soap: fixRFC2616 transgression (#1045019)    - fix static calling in non-static method (#953786)    - fix autoload called from closing session (#954027)    - drop unneeded part of CVE-2006-724.patch and fileinfo.patch      extension not provided or git binary patches (#1064027)    - odbc: fix incompatible pointer type (#1053982)    - mysqli: fix possible segfault in mysqli_stmt::bind_result      php bug 66762 (#1069167)    - mysql: fix php_mysql_fetch_hash writes long value into int      php bug 52636 (#1054953)    Web Server  ----------    - DIsable SSLv3    - Revert CRIME mitigation patch, as it's not needed    - Mitigate CVE-2012-4929    - Turn SSLEngine on in the SSL vhost (ProxyPassVirtualHosts)    - Remove obsolete gpc_order setting from php.ini.    - Add an upload_tmp_folder setting by db command    - Thanks to Michael McCarn and Jean-philippe Pialasse    Other fixes and updates  -----------------------    - When quiting the console app with unsaved changes set the default   selected      answer to NO    - Added a comment to specify the real configuration file of dhcpd    - Modified the patch of daniel   e-smith-base-5.6.0-ensure_apache_alias_www.patch    - Ensure www group exists and that apache is an alias of www    - Check where running runlevel 4, not 7 in service wrapper    - Correctly update NIC configuration on single NIC systems    - Symlink udev-post service in rc7    - Fix PPPoE after a post-upgrade    - Remove dependency on microcode_ctl    - Prevent emailing about the normal, weekly, checks of RAID arrays, by   Mark Casey    - Don't claim to own /sbin and /sbin/e-smith    - Add an upload_tmp_folder setting by db command      Thanks to Michael McCarn and Jean-philippe Pialasse    - the folder /tmp is created by the event init-ibays    - the event ibay-modify create/chown/chmod the folder /tmp    - Add an upload_tmp_folder setting by db command      Thanks to Michael McCarn and Jean-philippe Pialasse    - Force SSL following ibays settings to the relevant domain    - Perl::critic syntax modifications    - Add more PHP options to ibays only by db commands    - Add SSLRequireSSL to ibays when SSL is set to enabled    - Allow the admin upsd in /etc/hosts.allow    - Creation Admin Privilege for use of upscmd & upsrw    - Remove obsolete directives {allowfrom}    - Access property created (default value is 'localhost')    - Remove obsolete directives {ACL,ACCEPT,REJECT} and switch to LISTEN      in /etc/ups/upsd.conf    - Allow NUT in /etc/hosts.allow and in /etc/services      Code change from Daniel B.<daniel at>    - Revert the patch   e-smith-tinydns-2.4.0_add_hostname_following_dhcpdleases_hostname.patch    - Duplicate hostnames with different IP are not used, a warn in log is   printed    - The server hostname can not be used by a dhcp client, a warning in   log is printed    - Changed the name of /tmp/dhcpd.leases to /tmp/tmpdhcpd.leases      when the dhcpd lease is modified    - Do template-expand of /var/service/tinydns/root/data    - Do sigus1 of dhcp-dns & dnscache    - Forked DHCPparse for parsing the end of lease and remove old entry   of dnscache    - Require perl-Text-DHCPparse removed    - Timestamp added in tinydns, the entry in dnscache is cleared when   the lease is over    - Add new feature 'Parse dhcpd.leases and feed to tinydns'    - e-smith-tinydns-2.4.0_add_hostname_following_dhcpdleases_hostname.patch      made from the solution of Stefano Zamboni    - Make slapd service an alias for ldap    - Switched to sysvinit from systemd (it's rhel-6)    - Fixed license tag Related: rhbz#632853    - pptpd New version    - Dropped pppd-unbundle patch (upstreamed)    - Various fixes according to Fedora review Related: rhbz#632853    - Modified for Fedora Resolves: rhbz#632853    - Update to upstream version 2.3.4, which fixes CVE-2012-3478 and   CVE-2012-2252    - Updated rsync-protocol.patch to fix CVE-2012-2251, and to apply on   top of the      CVE-2012-3478 and CVE-2012-2252 fixes.    - Updated makefile.patch to preserve RPM CFLAGS.    - Added command-line-error.patch (from Debian), correcting error message      generated when insecure command line option is used (CVE-2012-3478 fix      regression).    - Rebuilt for - Add patch for rsync3 compat (#485946)    - Update runit to 2.1.2    - Remove now uneeded obsolete directives    - Remove openssl from the Exclude list of centos repo    - Add a default Yum db property for check4contribsupdates    - Added a check-update for the smecontribs repository    - Move protected package list to the correct location      General features  ================    - Based on CentOS 6.6 and all available updates      Terry Fage  On behalf of the SME Server development team