KNOPPIX 7.0.5 发布,光盘启动的GNU/Linux系统

jopen 11年前

KNOPPIX是一张可启动光盘,上面收集了一些GNU/Linux软件,并集成了自动硬件识别以及对许多图形显示卡、声卡、SCSI和USB设备以及其 他外围设备的支持。KNOPPIX可以用于Linux演示、教学光盘、应急系统,或者被用来作为商用软件产品的演示平台。没有必要将所有的东西都安装在硬 盘上。得益于其on-the-fly的解压缩技术,这张光盘上最多可以集成2 GB的可执行软件。
 KNOPPIX 7.0.5 发布,光盘启动的GNU/Linux系统(LiveCD)
Klaus Knopper has announced the release of KNOPPIX 7.0.5, the final update of the KNOPPIX 7.0 line: " Version 7.0.5 of KNOPPIX is based on the usual picks from Debian stable and newer desktop packages from Debian testing and Debian unstable. It uses Linux kernel 3.6.11 and X.Org 7.7 (Core 1.12.4) for supporting current computer hardware. Optional 64-bit kernel via boot option 'knoppix64', supporting systems with more than 4 GB of RAM and chroot to 64-bit installations for system rescue tasks (DVD edition only). LibreOffice 3.6.4, GIMP 2.8, Chromium 22.0.1229.94 and Iceweasel 10.0.11, LXDE (default) with the PCManFM 1.0 file manager, KDE 4.8 (boot option 'knoppix desktop=kde'), GNOME 3.4 (boot option 'knoppix desktop=gnome'). Wine version 1.5 for integration of Windows-based programs...." Read the rest of the release notes for boot options, re-mastering notes and other details. Download: KNOPPIX_V7.0.5DVD-2012-12-21-EN.iso (3,917MB, MD5, torrent), KNOPPIX_V7.0.5DVD-2012-12-21-DE.iso (3,917MB, MD5, torrent), KNOPPIX_V7.0.5CD-2012-12-21-EN.iso (697MB, MD5, torrent), KNOPPIX_V7.0.5CD-2012-12-21-DE.iso (697MB, MD5, torrent). KNOPPIX 7.0.5 发布,光盘启动的GNU/Linux系统(LiveCD)