
jopen 9年前

jQuery Track Mouse

Jquery plugin that lets you place some text at the tail of the mouse and that text will follow the mouse wherever it goes on the page.


jQuery overscroll

This jquery plugin allows you to scroll divs that have overflow set to auto by clicking anywhere over the element and dragging with your mouse.


jQuery Bouncy Content Filter

This space-saving content filter allows the users to switch from one category to the other in a fancy way! Each click fires the rotation of the gallery images, revealing the items belonging to the selected category.


jQuery ClearLens

Clear Lens – JQuery Plugin



This is another plugin to manage some tabs. By default this plugin propose something very basic, just like this : jQueryUI – tabs.


jQuery niceCodeLines

A star rating JQuery plugin with support for a “not interested” rating, displaying the user’s rating or the average rating for many users, and displaying custom per-star text above the stars while hovering and when a grade is selected.


jQuery imageFitCover

This simple jQuery plugin lets you scale images to fit within their container element, as specified for the new CSS object-fit: cover property. It should work in all modern browsers that do not yet support object-fit natively and is compatible with jQuery 1.7+ and 2.*.


jQuery lightcase

Lightcase is a flexible and extendable web application to present various media formats on your website and is based on the jQuery Framework.


jQuery viewportScale

This simple jQuery plugin (compatible with jQuery 1.7+ and 2.*.x) lets you apply responsive viewport size units (vw, vh, vmax and vmin) with browsers with incomplete CSS3 support.


jQuery 油Tube Controller.js

A jquery plugin wrapper for controlling embedded video players using the 油Tube Data API v3.