网站访问统计系统,Piwik 1.7 发布

openkk 12年前
     <p>Piwik是一套基于Php+MySQL技术构建的开源网站访问统计系统,前身是phpMyVisites。Piwik可以给你详细的统计信息,比如网页 浏览人数, 访问最多的页面, 搜索引擎关键词等等,并且采用了大量的AJAX/Flash技术,使得在操作上更加便易。此外,它还采用了插件扩展及开放API架构,可以让开发人员根据 自已的实际需求创建更多的功能.</p>    <p><img style="width:520px;height:306px;" alt="网站访问统计系统,Piwik 1.7 发布" src="" width="622" height="367" /></p>    <p><strong>Piwik 1.7</strong> 是一个 Piwik 非常重要的一个里程碑版本,带来很多新的改进、安全修复和性能方面的大幅提升。</p>    <p><span style="color:#ff0000;"><strong><span style="color:#000000;">主要特性描述:</span></strong></span></p>    <ul>     <li><strong>全新的 Web 分析报告</strong>      <ul>       <li>New Loyalty report "Number of visitors who visited the website 1 time, 2 times, etc."</li>       <li>New Recency report "Last visit was 0 day ago, 1 day ago, 2 days ago, etc."</li>       <li>For each <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958329493449533867">Goal</a> and for your <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958194066409224498">Ecommerce analytics</a>, two new reports: "Visits until conversion", "Days until conversion"</li>      </ul> </li>     <li>可调度的报表<strong> (PDF/HTML) 和图片图形提升</strong>      <ul>       <li>"All Websites" summary can now be included in the scheduled reports.<br /> You can now in 3 clicks receive a daily/weekly summary of ALL your websites analytics in your email box. Enjoy!</li>       <li>Email Reports now include Graphs by default for key metrics.<br /> For example you will automatically see a graph for all reports that plot metrics such as the "Visits overview" report or "Goal overview" report.</li>       <li>Possibility to include a graph before each table report in PDF/HTML reports (disabled by default)</li>       <li>New horizontal bar graphs that look <a href="">very pretty</a> and allow for better data visualization. These graphs are the default graphs used in Scheduled reports.</li>       <li>Graphs now support Unicode characters (chinese, arabic, hebrew, etc.) after you upload <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958329495777587886">the unicode font</a>.</li>      </ul> </li>     <li><strong>大幅的提升可用性</strong><strong><br /> </strong>      <ul>       <li>On most graphs, you can now select the metric to plot. For example you can now plot Pageviews, Revenue or Conversion rate over the last 30 days.</li>       <li>You can even plot multiple metrics at once, for example you can compare Conversion rate and Revenue for all goals, or for a specific goal.</li>       <li>Dashboard: you can now change the Dashboard Layout to choose 2 columns, 4 columns, or 3 columns with the first one taking half of the width, etc.<br /> There are many layout options available for everyone to have the optimal analytics experience.</li>       <li>Dashboard: you can now "reset" the dashboard layout to the default selection of widgets.</li>       <li>In Visitors > Overview, Piwik used to report "Actions" which include all of Page views, Downloads and Clicks on external links.<br /> Starting in Piwik 1.7 you will now see the detail, ie. 3 different stats and sparklines for Page views, Downloads and Outlinks separately.</li>      </ul> </li>     <li><strong>性能提升</strong>      <ul>       <li><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958329496771620963">New archive.php script</a>, replacing the previous, much more efficient and optimized</li>       <li>"All websites dashboard" used to fail to load when you track dozens or hundreds of websites. Now it should take a few seconds/less than a minute to load.</li>      </ul> </li>    </ul>    <p>其他方面的改进请看发行说明:<a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958329497572467756" target="_blank"></a></p>