FTP客户端Java开源类库 edtFTPj 2.3.0 发布

admin 13年前
     <p><a href="http://www.open-open.com/open79635.htm" target="_blank">edtFTPj</a>是一个FTP客户端库,可让任何Java应用程序能有充分的嵌入式FTP功能。它包括一个易于使用的API的方法,如 downloadFile() 和uploadFile() 。大多数FTP命令的支持,并主动和被动模式。 edFTPj已被广泛的测试,并已广泛应用于成千上万的项目。<br /> 示例代码:</p>    <pre class="brush:java; toolbar: true; auto-links: false;">/*   *    * Copyright (C) 2006 Enterprise Distributed Technologies Ltd   *    * www.enterprisedt.com   */    import com.enterprisedt.net.ftp.FileTransferClient;  import com.enterprisedt.util.debug.Level;  import com.enterprisedt.util.debug.Logger;    public class ConnectToServer {        public static void main(String[] args) {            // we want remote host, user name and password          if (args.length < 3) {              System.out                      .println("Usage: run remote-host username password");              System.exit(1);          }            // extract command-line arguments          String host = args[0];          String username = args[1];          String password = args[2];            // set up logger so that we get some output          Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ConnectToServer.class);          Logger.setLevel(Level.INFO);            FileTransferClient ftp = null;            try {              // create client              log.info("Creating FTP client");              ftp = new FileTransferClient();                // set remote host              log.info("Setting remote host");              ftp.setRemoteHost(host);              ftp.setUserName(username);              ftp.setPassword(password);                // connect to the server              log.info("Connecting to server " + host);              ftp.connect();              log.info("Connected and logged in to server " + host);                // Shut down client              log.info("Quitting client");              ftp.disconnect();                log.info("Example complete");            } catch (Exception e) {              e.printStackTrace();          }      }    }</pre>    <p></p>    <p><strong>变化:</strong></p>    <p>1. Support was added for using ACCT in FileTransferClient. <br /> 2. FTPFile.getPath() no longer includes the filename. <br /> 3. A bug was fixed in MLST parser. <br /> 4. An empty array of features is returned<span class="truncate_more"> if FEAT returns no features (but is implemented by the server). <br /> 5. The array is tweaked so that only actual features are returned</span></p>