Designer 4 - 可视化数据库设计系统

admin 13年前
     <img title="Designer 4 - 可视化数据库设计系统" border="0" alt="Designer 4 - 可视化数据库设计系统" align="left" src="" width="116" height="132" />DBDesigner 4 是一个开源的可视化的数据库设计系统,它将数据库设计、建模,创建和维护过程集成到一个单一,无缝的环境中。它还为现有的MySQL, Oracle, MSSQL和任意ODBC数据库等提供逆向工程支持,并从中抽取数据库模型。    <br />    <br /> 它拥有两模式,设计模式和查询模式。设计模式用于创建和维护其可视化数据库模型。查询模型可用于操作表格数据和构建复杂的SQL语句。在 DBDesigner 4中创建的模型以XML的形式存储。    <br />    <br />    <img title="Designer 4 - 可视化数据库设计系统" border="0" alt="Designer 4 - 可视化数据库设计系统" src="" width="600" height="600" />    <br />    <br /> 下载各种环境下的安装包.    <ul>     <li><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958187092002307830">DBDesigner4_Setup.exe (for Windows 2k/XP)</a><br /> Prefered download for most Windows users. A Setup Wizard will guide you through the installation process and can create shortcuts on your desktop and start menu. Includes all binaries and HTML documentation.<br /> <br /> </li>     <li><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958187092002307830">DBDesigner4.X.X.XXX.tar.gz (for Linux)</a><br /> A compressed tar-file containing all binaries and the online documentation. You have to extract the files to your harddrive manually by executing<br /> <b>tar xvzf DBDesigner4.X.X.XXX.tar.gz</b> in your <b>HOME directory</b>. You have to run the startdbd script (<b>./startdbd</b>) to start DBDesigner4.<br /> <br /> To install DBDesigner4 for all users, extract the tar archive to /usr/local/bin directory (but please notice that you have to edit the startdbd script manually [see line 4]).<br /> <br /> </li>     <li><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958187092002307830">DBDesigner4.*.zip (for Windows 2k/XP)</a><br /> Advanced users can download the Zip distributions. You have to extract the files to your harddrive manually e.g. using <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958187094095979880" target="thirdparty">WinZip</a>. Remember to activate the extraction of stored directory information.<br /> </li>    </ul>