跨平台的Matroska处理工具 MKVToolnix 5.3.0 发布

fmms 12年前
     <p><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958323591619555906" target="_blank">mkvtoolnix </a>(又叫Matroska toolkit),是一套功能强大的mkv(Matroska)格式制作和处理的工具,支持将多种视频、音频、字幕等格式封装成mkv格式。mkvtoolnix新版本提供了安装程序。</p>    <p><img alt="跨平台的Matroska处理工具 MKVToolnix 5.3.0 发布" src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/29660a416cd390fdb6102f90ea17d315.jpg" width="600" height="740" /></p>    <p>MKVToolnix 5.3.0 发布了,主要改进内容:</p>    <p>1. Several fields have been added to mkvmerge's verbose identification output. <br /> 2. File type identification and a segfault have been fixed for DTS files. <br /> 3. File type detection for<span class="truncate_more"> (E)AC3 files has been improved. <br /> 4. mkvextract's "timecodes_v2" mode uses the same track IDs as mkvmerge's identification mode outputs again. <br /> 5. An invalid memory access with certain broken Matroska files has been fixed. <br /> 6. mkvmerge can read input files as if they were part of a single huge file. <br /> 7. mkvmerge can extract and use the audio encoder delay information stored in MP4 files as written by iTunes</span></p>