持久层框架 DataNucleus Access Platform

fmms 12年前
     <div id="p_fullcontent" class="detail">     <p><img alt="持久层框架 DataNucleus Access Platform" src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/ae5d61e0bbb6f477bd36b2a93cba7b32.jpg" width="370" height="85" /></p>     <p><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958187675208992889" target="_blank">DataNucleus Access Platform</a> 是一个兼容各种标准的 Java 数据持久化框架,完全兼容 JDO1, JDO2, JDO2.1, JDO2.2, JDO2.3, 和 JPA1 等 Java 标准。提供一个基于 REST 的API。通过它可以访问所有常见的数据库服务器,还包括 LDAP, NeoDatis, JSON, Excel/ODF spreadsheets, XML, BigTable, 和 HADOOP 数据库等.<br /> </p>    </div>    <p>DataNucleus Access Platform 3.0.4 ("Newton") 发布了,DataNucleus 提供了 Java 对象到数据库、XML、Excel 和 db4o 的映射框架,3.0.4 版本主要改进:</p>    <ul>     <li>AccessPlatform : drop support for ZIP distributions for db4o and NeoDatis datastores </li>     <li>AccessPlatform : add Maven POM artifacts for main AccessPlatform combinations (JDO-RDBMS, JPA-RDBMS, etc) </li>     <li>Add ability to turn off Metadata support for XML or annotations, for performance </li>     <li>Parameterise all persistence property names for easy referencing </li>     <li>Split support for java.awt geometry types into a separate plugin, and complete support for persisting in String form </li>     <li>Improve startup process so that NucleusContext, PluginManager are more modular, and so that JPA doesn't create multiple working contexts </li>     <li>SchemaTool : improvement to class resolution process when not forking the JVM process </li>     <li>Support for Atomikos transaction manager (Matthew Adams) </li>     <li>Support batching of L2 cache updates </li>     <li>Support L2 cache "mode" to determine which classes are cacheable (JPA "sharedCache.Mode") </li>     <li>RDBMS : Improvement to handling of result classes when single column selected </li>     <li>RDBMS : Support for embedded inherited objects (likely part of JDO3.1/3.2) </li>     <li>MongoDB : fix to handling of bidirectional relations when using IDENTITY strategy </li>     <li>HBase : fix problem in table management </li>     <li>Cache : support for javax.cache v0.3+ (in datanucleus-cache v3.1.0, while support for the earlier version is in datanucleus-cache v3.0) </li>     <li>Eclipse : update to the plugin to move API to general preferences and drop the enhancer "type" since it was not being used </li>    </ul>    <p>可从 <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958317719811328663">DataNucleus community site</a>. 下载</p>