几何图库绘制 JSXGraph 0.92 发布

fmms 13年前
     <p>JSXGraph是一个支持多种浏览器用于绘制交互式数学几何图/函数图的JavaScript Library。JSXGraph用到了SVG和VML,不需要额外插件,可以与Prototype或jQuery一起使用。<br /> 项目地址:<a href="http://www.open-open.com/ajax/ajax20091118135109.htm">http://jsxgraph.uni-bayreuth.de/wp/</a><br /> <img title="几何图库绘制 JSXGraph 0.92 发布" border="0" alt="几何图库绘制 JSXGraph 0.92 发布" src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/b0583c4383c5acf5c126b62ba92172b7.jpg" width="600" height="579" /></p>    <p>JSXGraph 0.92 发布,更新如下:</p>    <blockquote>     <p><strong>Changes:</strong> This is mainly a bugfix release. The number of JSXGraph boards in one HTML page has been increased from 33 to 65535, an annoying bug in IE has been fixed, and the calculation of the mouse position has been improved. The plot algorithm now produces better graphs. The slow update speed on Android 3 devices has been addressed, and the usability of JSXGraph in XHTML has been improved. The latter feature is important for including JSXGraph in ebooks with the epub3 file format.</p>    </blockquote>