
jopen 10年前

1. JResponsive


JResponsive is a smart and responsive jQuery plugin that allows you to add a dynamically resized layout to any page or element and it will arrange its children in a layout that makes optimal use of screen space, by packing them in tightly.

2. Scroll Magic


ScrollMagic is an awesome jQuery animation plugin that lets you use the scrollbar like a progress bar to move down/up your web and mobile page. You can do lots of cool stuff like start an animation at a specific scroll position, synchronize an animation to the scrollbar movement, pin an element at a specific scroll position, easily add a parallax effect to your website and much more.

3. Salvattore


This is another great plugin that comes with an important difference:  with a CSS-driven configuration. It is again a JavaScript-powered widget but doesn’t require any frameworks. It organizes your grid elements according to the number of columns you specify. Each of the elements in your container is arranged within these columns, one by one. Salvattore is compatible across Safari, Chrome, Firefox and IE9+.

4. FlexNav


Flexnav is a responsive, touch-friendly and cross browser jQuery drop down menu plugin that has support for unlimited sub-menus and is compatible with both desktop and mobile layouts. The plugin is a mobile-first example of using media queries and javascript to make a cool site menu with drop downs.

5. Croppic


Croppic is an image cropping jQuery plugin that can be easily integrated for in any website for image uploading, cropping and scaling. Cropping basically allows the user to decide what part of the image they want to keep and then sends the coordinates, the zoom factor and more to the serrver where the server will then process the image and report back where the new image is located.

6. Share Button


Share Button is a simple, light, flexible and awesome share button jQuery plugin hosted by carrot in Github . It doesn’t load any iframes or extra javascript and overall load time is tons faster. The plugin makes social sharing fast as all the native share button codes are not loaded initially. It looks clean and simple by default but is highly customizable.