Micro 一个用Go语言实现的微服务框架

jopen 8年前




Micro 一个用Go语言实现的微服务框架


Feature Description
Discovery Find running services
Client Query services via RPC
Server Listen and serve RPC requests
Pub/Sub Publish and subscribe to events
API Gateway Lightweight gateway/proxy. Convert http requests to rpc
CLI Command line interface
Sidecar Integrate any application into the Micro ecosystem
Web UI/Proxy A visual way to view and query services


Project Description
greeter A greeter service (includes Go, Ruby, Python examples)
geo-srv Geolocation tracking service using hailocab/go-geoindex
geo-api A HTTP API handler for geo location tracking and search
discovery-srv A discovery in the micro platform
geocode-srv A geocoding service using the Google Geocoding API
hailo-srv A service for the hailo taxi service developer api
monitor-srv A monitoring service for Micro services
place-srv A microservice to store and retrieve places (includes Google Place Search API)
slack-srv The slack bot API as a go-micro RPC service
trace-srv A distributed tracing microservice in the realm of dapper, zipkin, etc
推ter-srv A microservice for the 推ter API
user-srv A microservice for user management and authentication

项目Github: https://github.com/micro/micro

Micro 一个用Go语言实现的微服务框架

来自: https://xiequan.info/micro-一个用go语言实现的微服务框架/